One of the most common pieces of wisdom more experienced business people have shared with us is that business networking is the fast track to success. It’s also one of the most commonly ignored pieces of advice. That is a shame because it holds true. People will do business with other people they know long before they’ll do business with people they don’t know.

The current economic climate has made this a critical time to strengthen both your sales and business connections and processes to see results in your business. A systematic approach to networking will be a strong contributor to distinguishing the people that will thrive in this environment from those that will struggle. Our deeper understanding of this is the reason for making the anticipated return of our networking events, now designed to be more effective than ever before!

Our team has been working tirelessly for the better part of 2018 on aligning strategic partnerships and agendas to ensure that you win in every way possible. We are very proud of the Ideal Village Networks which launched back in 2015. The sister event, Karen Little Networks, was built on the back of its success. We are now introducing a new baby, The Westlands Business Network! It has been a long time coming. That’s not all, save the date because this August, the 23rd, we shall be hosting a premier networking event featuring all three. We are inviting companies, business executives and professionals based in Karen, (Karen Little Networks), those based in Gigiri, Runda, Muthaiga and Kitisuru (Ideal Village Networks) to link up with The Westlands Business Network for the very first time. If you aren’t already part, we invite you to do so. Membership is open exclusively for business executives and professionals in Karen, Gigiri and Westlands. Further, if you want to build your network across the board, you do have that option!

Take away the past imagery of the networking events you have attended. This will be far from the crowd milling around a hotel banquet room with chardonnay in one hand and business cards in the other. We are intentional in our need to see our members investing more time in the networks that we are availing and having it pay off. Our guarantee off the bat, is to give you a valuable, well- structured experience with an array of activities, but only if you make the most out of our bouquet of networking opportunities. You are bound to benefit from more than a handshake, some great conversation, resources, networks, and innovative ideas. Could we build up your appetite even more?

The game plan this time around is highlighting the interaction of the role of trust, the place and space where these events occur, and our role as hosts, to increase the effectiveness of your networking. We are doing this by firstly doing away with one-off events. The benefit you stand to gain is that from the myriad of organized introductions we have prepared, you are more than likely to make a far greater number of new contacts, and make far stronger connections with these contacts, than those who received no introduction. What do we mean? From our calendar, you now have an option to select either of our packages ranging from 2 events, 4 events, 6 events or better yet, all the scheduled events.

Entrepreneurs often rely on social ties in building new ventures, to be innovative and perform better. We have strategically planned every aspect of our networking events going forward including the physical settings. All this to facilitate new connections and networks, ensuring your experience is worth your time, money and influence.

The 2016 rendition of the Ideal Village Networks was exciting to say the least. The excellent attendance spoke volumes. This event availed members the opportunity to meet like-minded people, build valuable relationships and share best practices. This networking event catered for diverse industry players who were well represented. Through it all, one message remained crystal clear; there is a different level of intimacy that industry players and entrepreneurs can achieve through networking. There is a real appreciation of the personal touch that networking can give. They do act as a springboard – sparking the type of word-of-mouth marketing and sales that not even the largest marketing budgets can buy, which is if our stellar reviews are anything to go by.

With a presence of at least 100 attendees at any event, why wouldn’t you book your spot with us? There are drivers rapidly shaping the business terrain into a whole new dynamic. The shape that business takes in the future is being driven by complex, changing and competing forces, at speeds hard to predict. Every sector is being impacted by economic shifts redistributing power at every level, wealth, competition and opportunity globally; new technologies, disruptive innovations, radical thinking, resource scarcity, and a need for new models in business and society. The future isn’t a fixed destination. The vision ahead is continually changing. How can your organization prepare for a future that few of us can define? A depth of understanding and a keen insight into the changing landscape is a must. Be part of the impending move in the ultimate meetings of the mind. All this as we welcome our new baby, Westlands Inside Out and The Westlands Business Network.

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